Board of Selectmen

Current Selectmen


Wayne Godfrey

Term Expires: 2025


Rick Daley


Term Expires: 2026


Colin Stubbings


Term Expires: 2027

Contact Information

Office: (603) 272-9181
Fax: (603) 272-9182



130 Route 10
Piermont, NH 03779


Mailing Address:

Town of Piermont
Board of Selectmen
130 Route 10
Piermont, NH 03779


Office Hours:

The Board of Selectmen's Office will be CLOSED December 27-January 10, 2025. Please email for assistance.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM and by appointment

Closed to the Public on Wednesdays

Board of Selectmen Meetings:

Regular Meetings: every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month starting at 7:00 PM.

Working Sessions: every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month starting at 7:00 PM.

All meetings are held in the Old Church Building on Route 10 and are open to the public.

See the calendar for meeting dates and any changes to the regular schedule.

The Piermont Board of Selectmen (BOS) is the governing body for the Town and consists of three members elected to staggered three-year terms. Per the provisions of NH RSA 41:8,

"The Selectmen shall manage the prudential affairs of the town and perform the duties by law prescribed."

The Town operates under the traditional Town Meeting form of government, in that the Legislative Body is the annual Town Meeting of citizens held every year on the second Tuesday in March. The Board of Selectmen implements the decisions of the Legislative Body and also has specifically assigned roles and powers as set out in the NH State Statutes.  One role is the appointment of people to various positions and also to the Town’s committees, boards and commissions.  The Board acts as a collective decision-making body and no one Selectman or group of Selectmen may make a binding decision or agreement without the authority of the majority of the Board at a legally called meeting.  The Selectmen may not meet outside of a properly called public meeting with at least 24 hours public notice to discuss official matters, make decisions, plan strategy or conduct negotiations regarding collective bargaining.

The Annual Budget is prepared by the Selectmen and presented to the Town’s citizens at a Public Hearing(s) prior to the Annual Town Meeting.  The final budget, after changes and amendments are made, is approved at the Annual Town Meeting.

The Board of Selectmen Meeting Work Session Agenda (if available) and Approved Minutes are available on the Agendas & Minutes page. Draft minutes of Board of Selectmen meetings are available from the office only. Please be aware that the final approved versions of minutes may differ significantly from their respective drafts.

The agenda for each meeting is generally created on the day before the meeting and posted as soon as possible thereafter.  Anyone wishing to add an agenda item for any meeting must submit the Agenda Request Form or contact the Administrative Assistant.

Members of the Select board do not have regularly scheduled office hours at the Town Offices. Appointments can be made through the Administrative Assistant or with one of the Selectmen directly. Each Selectman can be contacted via regular mail addressed to Town of Piermont or by email to their respective email addresses.