Members of Piermont Fire Department (September 2022)
Bruce Henry
Hunter Bingham
Jesse Reed
Tucker Trapp
Deputy Duty Chief
Andy Mauchly
Mal Kircher
Fire Fighters
Fire Fighter
Zach Bagley
Fire Fighter
Andrew Canterbury
Fire Fighter
Travis Daley
Fire Fighter
Randy Gawal
Fire Fighter
Dana Hartley
Fire Fighter
Chris Ladeau
Fire Fighter
Adam Nelson
Fire Fighter
Ellie Reed
Fire Fighter
Lane Reed
Fire Fighter
Holly Sampson
Fire Fighter
Stephen Sampson
Burn Permits are available from:
Forest Fire Warden
Andy Mauchly
Phone: (603) 667-6306
Deputy Forest Fire Warden
Jared Shipman
Phone: (603) 667-0126
See below for more details about Burn Permits and Regulations.

Fire Department
The Piermont Fire Department was founded in the 1930s when blacksmith Bert French converted an old Cadillac truck into the first Piermont fire engine. The Fire Department was organized as a group of volunteers to serve the town of Piermont for the protection and extinguishment of fire and other services needed by the town when an emergency situation happened. While it was often thought of as more of a men’s club in town with no women (this would change) in the force, there was a group of women that served as the Ladies Auxiliary who provided needed refreshment when called upon. There was no mutual aid agreements with area towns so if a neighboring town was needed to help with an in-town emergency, the Town of Piermont was sent a bill for the services received. This changed when the town became a member of the Twin State Mutual Aid and Upper Valley Emergencies Association.
Today, the Piermont Fire Department is still dedicated to protecting and serving our community and continues to not employ any full-time firefighters. Members are on call, compensated for only the calls to which they respond and with no payment for the long hours spent in training. Fortunately, the taxpayers have provided the department with modern and up-to-date equipment, as can be seen in the picture below.

Training is important and attended either locally, at the state fire academy programs or sometimes even out of state to enable our firefighters to keep up with the changes that they constantly encounter. Many times this will involve training with neighboring town departments, which helps reduce the cost and promotes the ability to work together.
This web page will often have meaningful information and helpful tips relating to the latest threats and situations that we and the firefighting community have come upon. Please take time to view these links and visit us often to see the latest publications.
The members of the Piermont Fire Department continue to have the enthusiasm to be “In Service To The Community.”

We meet the first Monday of the month and our training drills are the third Monday on the month.
The department is always looking for new call firefighters and EMTs. No prior training or experience is required, just a willingness to learn and a desire to serve your community.
Please contact us or show up at a meeting or training evening for details.
Information, Tips and Threats

Forest Fire Wardens
The Forest Fire Wardens work to reduce the risk and frequency of wildland fires. They are responsible for the issuance of burn permits that need to be obtained by residents prior to doing any outside burning. RSA 227-L:17 states that such a permit is required unless the ground is covered completely in snow. The burning of household waste is also prohibited by NH Department of Environmental Services. Please help stop wild fires by being observant and conscientious.
Fire Permit and Burning Regulation Summary
What time can a fire be kindled?
Fires may only be kindled after 5:00 PM and must be extinguished before 9:00 AM
There are two exemptions to this:
- When the Forest Fire Warden determines that conditions are appropriate Category I (Campfire) permits may allow for a small (under 2 foot diameter) fire to be burned during the day.
- When there is continuous rain fall, however, the fire must be extinguished when the rain stops. A Fire Permit is still required when it is raining.
For more on the New Hampshire Forest Fire and Prevention program, visit the NH Division of Forests and Lands web page.