The Piermont Transfer Station is located at 21 Bedford Road. Trash must be bagged in town trash bags, available for purchase at the Town Clerk and Tax Collector's Office and Four Corner’s General Store. For more details about recycling and what is and is not accepted, please see Transfer Station & Recycling.
Four Corners General Store, Town Clerk’s and Tax Collector's Office.
Voting is held at the “Old Church building” located at 129 Route 10.
For more information, see Election Information and Voter Registration.
Soon… Currently, you need to visit the Town Clerk’s office to register your vehicle.
Yes, please see the Tax Collector page for a link to pay online.
First issue tax bills are always based on the previous year’s tax rate – by state law. The second issue bill reflects all the changes in the tax rate. That tax rate is set by the state typically by November of each year, and reflects all the appropriations approved by the voters at town and school meeting, as well as revenues received by the town and school
We can tell you how much your property is being assessed for. However, those responsible for doing the assessing can explain how that figure was arrived at. In Piermont, that responsibility lies with the selectman’s office and the assessing firm (Avitar Associates) that has the contract to perform the work. If you have more questions, please call the Selectmen’s Office at (603) 272-9181.
The New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration annually conducts a study that determines the Town's level of assessment in comparison to recent sales that occurred in Piermont. The result is known as the Assessment/Sales Ratio or "Equalization Ratio". Properties are fairly assessed when they are within a reasonable range of the average ratio generally prevailing in the Town.
Under State Statute RSA 74:1, all real estate is assessed at how the property stood on April 1st of the tax year. The Town of Piermont operates on a fiscal year from January 1st to December 31st. However, the tax year is from April 1st to March 31st of the following year. The budget that is raised at Town Meeting in March is to run the town for the year that has already started on January 1st. The tax rate is set in October to raise the money for the year that's almost gone by. The Town is on semi-annual tax billing. This means in May you are billed for an estimated half of your bill for the year using current assessment times half of last year's rate, due usually by July 1st. The actual tax rate isn't set until October, at that time the full year tax is figured, the estimated first half bill is subtracted, leaving the balance due usually by December 1st. A taxpayer who does not receive a tax bill should inquire at the Selectmen’s Office. Arrangements regarding delinquent taxes or partial payments should be discussed with the Office of the Tax Collector.
The current use issue is a complicated one and each situation is unique. Specific questions should be directed to the Selectmen’s Office during regular business hours, or to or call (603) 272-9181
Yes, Piermont has had zoning since 1971. Piermont zoning is described in the Zoning Ordinance. Zoning applications are available in Documents. The Zoning Board of Adjustment holds public hearings on administrative appeals, special exceptions, and variances to the Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Administrator can be reached at or call (603) 272-9181
Yes, email or call (603) 272-9181
Contact the Forest Fire Wardens, and see the Fire Department page for more details on burning regulations.