In case of emergency, call 911
If you need an officer and it is not an emergency, you may call the Piermont Police Department at (603) 272-9351 or the Grafton County Dispatch at (603) 787-6911.
Chief of Police
Brandon Alling

The Piermont Police Department will provide responsive, competent, and professional law enforcement service in partnership with our community to all citizens of the Town of Piermont in a fair and equitable manner.
The Department is comprised of one full-time officer and one part-time patrol officer and they are dedicated to serving the needs of the community for the Town of Piermont. Even though it is not a 24/7 department, someone is always available to respond to a citizen’s call for service.
Chief Alling serves as the full-time Patrol, Prosecutor and Administration for the Department. There is no set schedule when he is available and is on call most of the time when he is not working a shift. When he is not available, the New Hampshire State Police (NHSP) will be on call for the town.
When the NHSP is on call, please be aware that the Town of Piermont is not their primary responsibility and it could take some time for them to respond, so we ask that you be patient.