Transfer Station & Recycling

Transfer Station and Recycling Center

21 Bedford Road

Phone: (603) 272-4828
(voicemail is not checked daily)


Hours of Operation:
Saturday: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Sunday: 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Additional Summer Hours:
Wednesday: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Ending September 4, 2024
(Late May through early September)

Useful Info

Fall 2022 Update: Effective immediately, the Swap/ Free Table is permanently closed. 

Town Trash Bags: Available for purchase in the Town Clerk’s office.

Brush: accepted the first and last Saturday of every month only

Used oil: The Recycling Center accepts used oil. The used oil must be tested prior to leaving it at the center. If the test does not show that it is clean oil, you will have to take it back. 

Clothing Donations: see what we accept (Apparel Impact)

Household Hazardous Waste: see 2025 Collection Days and Locations

Medicine Disposal: visit Twin State Safe Meds for a list of locations and other information.

Operation Plan and Layout of the Transfer Station: click here.

For a list of costs: please click here

Click here to see why Zero-Sort does not take bags.


Zero-Sort Specifications

Planet Green Recycle Information

Planet Green Fact Sheet

Items that cannot be recycled 

Why Piermont Recycles

Please note: If you bring your recycling in bags or boxes, please dump it out into the dumpsters. The automatic system at the plant cannot sort it, if it’s bagged or boxed. Used paper plates are not recyclable!




Wayne Godfrey


Susan Belyea

Recycling Attendants

David (Tim) Cole

David Riel

Vincent Colasanti


The Recycling Center was created on April 22, 1990, Earth Day, when the town received a grant for one-half the cost of the recycling building from “New Hampshire the Beautiful”.  A large group of volunteers under the watchful eye of contractor Terry Robie raised the building in almost one day.  The Selectmen joined in and everyone enjoyed grilled hot dogs and hamburgers.  The Center was formally opened on June 2, 1990.

In 1994, we went to a compactor vs. open container thus saving more money.

The town subsequently voted in a PAYT (Pay-As-You-Throw) program, so almost all services are now covered by user fees. If you want to throw everything away, you can, but you must pay for it, whereas if you recycle half that, your costs are cut in half.

Prep for new compactor.
Prep for new compactor.

Since September 1, 2018, all loads are subject to additional charges if contaminated. It is worth noting that almost all receiving facilities in the northeast have had to take steps like these to address the “China Sword” specifications. NRRA has worked with all members to make sure that all recyclables sent to markets meet the specifications required by mills and MRFs alike. Experience shows that consistent and clear education will insure compliance. If you need any additional information about China’s Recyclable Ban (China Sword), please visit our China Sword Information and Resource page or if you need further assistance, just call NRRA-Your Best Defense Against the China Sword.

Zero-Sort Recycling

In March 2016, Piermont began participating in the Zero-Sort Program. To learn more about Zero-Sort, click this link to Casella. Once Casella the page opens, you DO NOT have to sign in. Go to the right side of the page and click on the arrow to the right of Recycling and two drop downs appear. Click on the “Recycle Better” tab and a list of items that should not be recycled will come up. You can also go to the bottom of the page and there is a video “Recycling Better” is available to view. Just click on the red arrow and the video should automatically start.

The exception is that Piermont Zero-Sort DOES NOT include glass or aluminum cans in the mix.

Hazardous Waste

In conjunction with the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission (UVLSRPC), we hold a one-day event at the Recycling Center so you can get rid of hazardous materials (i.e. old gas, chemicals, oil base paint, etc.).  Click on the link below for more information and the current schedule.

For more information, please visit UVLSRPC Hazardous Waste