Current Supervisors
Sam Rounds
Term Expires: 2026
Lisa Ingalls
Term Expires: 2030
Billie-Jo French
Term Expires: 2028
NOTE: Any voter or potential voter may go to the Town Clerk’s office, during regular hours to register to vote, to change registration or party information, to obtain an absentee voter registration form or to apply for an absentee ballot.
The Supervisors of the Checklist will be in session at the Old Church Building at 131 Dartmouth College Highway, Piermont on Saturday, March 1, 2025 from 1100 to 1130 am for registrations, changes to the checklist, and party changes for the March 11, 2025 for the Town Election.
Voter Online Resources
Request an absentee ballot online.
Look up my voter information and party affiliation. To change your party affiliation, you may fill out and present this application to change party affiliation to the Town Clerk’s office.
New Voter Registration
Applicants for registration who possess proof of identity, age, citizenship, and domicile should bring that proof when they come to register bring that proof when they come to register when they come to register at the Town Clerk's office.
Qualified applicants who do not possess proof or who do not bring proof with them may still register if they sign an affidavit attesting to their qualifications for identity, age, and citizenship, and / or domicile.
You may register to vote by completing the appropriate form available in the Town Clerk’s office and may do so up until 10 days before an election.
You may also register with the Supervisors of the Checklist, who maintain the voter registration list, at any of their sessions held on specified dates, which are posted on the Town calendar and outside the Clerk’s Office, before every election. The Supervisors of the Checklist may also register voters on the day of an election at the polls.
Those wishing to register must be 18 years of age and provide proof of residency of the Town – a P.O. Box is not sufficient - a Birth Certificate or Passport and a valid NH Driver’s License. The registration form must be completed at the Town Clerk’s Office, a Supervisors of the Checklist Session or at the polling place.
Absentee Ballot Application
You may obtain an Absentee Ballot from the Town Clerk only for yourself; you cannot pick up or submit for anyone else. Each individual Absentee Ballot must be given personally or mailed to the Town Clerk prior to the Election Day. To obtain an Absentee Ballot you must be on the voter registration checklist.
You may also request an absentee ballot online.
Supervisors of The Checklist
The Supervisors of the Checklist are elected officials who are responsible for maintaining the Town’s registered voter list and are involved in all Federal, State and Local elections. Supervisors meet in session prior to and at elections to register voters and make corrections to the Checklist. Each Supervisor is elected for a term of 6 years.
Corrections or changes to the Checklist can be made with the Supervisors when they are in session or with the Town Clerk, the Deputy or the Assistant during their regular hours. Please note that any changes are not reflected on the Checklist until they are approved and finalized at the next Supervisor session, all of which are open to the public.
The current checklist is posted outside the Town Clerk’s Office for public viewing. It may not be removed, except by the Supervisors, for any reason.
Copies of the Checklist are available from the Town Clerk’s Office at a cost of $25.00 per copy.